Raise money for the Club whilst winning cash prizes! Just £3 per month per entry, with 50% of fees paid out as prizes. Each month there are cash prizes of £75 and £30, with an option for £85 and £35 if applied to your membership card for purchases at the bar. Additional draws may be made during the year at awards presentations, the annual dinner, or in December – the values of these will vary according to the number of paid-up members of the 50/50 Lotto, but multiple prizes of £100 have been made in previous years.
Participation in the Lotto also enrols for social membership of the club, the benefits of which include: bar discount card and free hire of the club house.
How do I sign up? There are two simple steps to join the Lotto 50/50 club:
- Set up a Standing Order for £3 per month per entry to: Bank: Barclays
Name: Chipping Sodbury Cricket Club Millennium Club
Sort Code: 20-84-58
Account: 90291994 - Complete the form on this page.
We would appreciate it if you would make payment on/around the 7th of the month. Payments received after ~20th of the month will be allocated to the following month’s draw.